This section of the website is where readers can gather a little insight to my hobby, life, and other interests. It might also act as an outlet for my ramblings.

I'm back!

I’m back! After a couple of months break from serious miniature modeling, I’ve decided to take a slightly different direction with my miniature painting and with the website. Instead of focusing on the commission side of things, I’ve decided to spend some time pursuing my own miniature painting projects. This is mainly so that I can take my time to settle in to an artistic style that suits me. The website will be used to keep everybody up to date with my progress. I’ll also be making some changes to the website to include a dedicated tutorial section and a section where I share a little about my life and other hobbies from time to time. If you want instant updates on where things are at, check out my instagram @ipaintyourstuff.


Currently, I’m finishing up the last of my commission work (pics to follow soon), and then it’s on to new projects. I’m really looking forward to sharing what I’ve most recently finished, and my new hobby experiments!


Eldar Wave Serpent, finished! Now some Empire characters =]

I've finished the Wave Serpent, a really fun model and a nice project with a really different paint scheme. Now its on to an Empire commission with some really nice character models. Thoroughly enjoying this one!!


Wave Serpent Progress

Here's a WIP shot of the Wave Serpent I'm working on. I'm seriously considering doing a squad of Wraithguard in this scheme... I'll post a step-by-step album on Facebook detailing how I painted the Wave Serpent soon =]


April update!

This month has seen my personal Eldar force grow to almost 500 points. The crown jewel of the force so far is Illic Nightspear, a model that took a week of my time to complete at display quality.  I also added another unit of Dire Avengers, painted to tabletop quality, and started construction on a Wave Serpent. 

I modified the wave serpent slightly by turning the intake vents into spirit stones, and added a hull mounted missile launcher. I will paint the Wave Serpent in a similar scheme to the base that Illic is mounted on. I like the idea of the Eldar Wraithbone looking like a magical mottled/coloured/marbled stone. I'm also considering some extensive freehand on the Wave Serpent =]


Eldar, eldar, eldar! 

Hi guys!


The last couple of weeks have seen me working like crazy on an Eldar collection. The Eldar have been a real pleasure to work on, not only because the models are pretty nice, but also because I'm painting them with a relatively limited skillset (i.e. not using many advanced painting techniques). I would say they are painted to about high tabletop quality. As a result, The time spent per mini is short, which is a plus when painting a force (I have around 500 points to paint up). 


For the Eldar Dire avengers, I've decided to paint their weapons with a non-metallic metal (NMM) effect, which does take longer, but it looks cool and the practice is always welcome. I'll be posting step-by-step shots of the Dire Avengers soon.  Within the next week or so I'll also start work on the Eldar character Illic Nightspear, which I'll be painting to display quality. He'll be something to look out for =] Following Illic will be a Wave Serpent transport, again something exciting for me to paint and for you to enjoy!


March update!

Hi guys! I've been quite busy lately making the transition to full time miniature painter. It is a very daunting and exciting time! Here's a few pics towards what I've been working on. I received some new brushes in the mail, as well as some Eldar Dire Avengers and Jetbikes that I will be working on for my personal collection. Additionally, I finished work on a Dark Eldar Succubus. The Succubus required some advanced NMM and blending techniques -- it was a real thrill to work on her! I also had some fun with greenstuff and freehand on the Jetbikes. More to follow soon! 

If you're interested in regular updates, please see the links at the bottom of the page! 

Wishing you all the best! Until next time,



Hive Tyrant/Kayvaan Shrike duel completed!

This awesome piece is finished! I spent around 100 hours on it, and I am very happy with the final result. It's a very large piece -- the wings took me about the same time to finish as the rest of it! You can check it out in the gallery =] I've also started work on a small 500pt Eldar force for weekend gaming. This will be my first 40k force, believe it or not! I still need to learn the rules....



Some progress on the duel between Kayvaan and the Hive Tyrant. The Tyrant has had some green added, and minor touch-ups here and there. Kayvaan is painted in the Raven Guard colour scheme, and has minor conversion work on his talons, reflecting the fact that he has a set of ``master crafted lighting claws'', which are supposedly unbreakable and capable of cutting through the thickest of vehicle armour. Work on the Hive Tyrants massive wings has begun...


Work in progress....


Things in our garden. Gardening is a fantastic way to relax! =]

My housemates and I have started a garden. At the moment everything is tiny! The seeds are only just sprouting, and we're composting everything we can for fertiliser. As the plants go stronger, we'll start the battle with pests!


Constructing a light box for photographing miniatures

This project cost zero dollars and several hours. The end result is sturdy and diffuses light from three 150W halogen lamps nicely. The results are in the gallery and on my social media pages. DIY for the win~~ 


Kayvaan Shrike vs. Tyranid Swarmlord

Kayvaan's dymanic pose perfectly complements the in-flight presence of the Swarmlord. The duel captures the moments just before their worlds collide.  An unusual and striking colour scheme has been chosen for the Swarmlord.